Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Teaming For Audacious Innovation: The Future of Urban Auto Transportation.

Glia Ecosystems

Designing, Developing, Delivering The Future of Urban Auto Transportation

"3Ding" The Future

As you are reading this, I know you are already nearly as excited as I am, about the journey we are embarking on together. Together as a team, we’ll become even more excited about the challenges and prospects this journey represents.
As a team--a team of teams!--we are collectively “designing, developing and delivering” one of the most advanced organizations of the 21st century, an organization whose purpose is to bring to society the future of urban auto transportation.
The value we will co-create for citizens, cities, and the auto ecosystem will be the greatest transformation the world has ever seen.
That is really something to get excited about!

Building a platform that can attract and orchestrate an ecosystem of vendors and brands, from very big, to very small, that can continuously “Design, Develop, and Deliver” the future of urban auto transportation, while creating win-win-win value for the platform participants, our host cities, and our consumers, will be nearly impossibly hard.
That degree of difficulty--which is really only an artificial obstacle--and our ability to blow past that, is our competitive advantage.
It is important for us to understand, that while technologies and its advancements are crucial pieces of the puzzle to our business, a puzzle that will continually morph, these technologies only form the substrate to our business.
Our business is people, and the society we are embedded in.

To overcome the challenges inherent in our journey, to create the satisfying wins along the way, it will be a matter greatly as to how well we can come together, function and perform as a team, the Core Team, that will make the difference.

Here are two things we know for sure:
1)--The auto industry is going to go through radical transformation.
2)--We know how to design, develop and grow the organization that will facilitate that transformation.

Those are two knowns we can be assured of that we can hang our hats on.
How much of the value of this transformation that will be created overall, that we can create, that we can capture, that is entirely up to us.

With this broad understanding, let’s look at some of the most important skills and things we need to continually excel at.

Learning to learn, communicating and dialogue,  leadership and personal development, team building, network orchestration, and continuously developing these skills in others.
In concert, these skills, and we as people, will continually create the environment where other can excel at developing our collective purpose.  
Abilities are the talents we individually bring, be that coding, marketing, product development, engineering, etcetera.
The skills that we value are what will elevate us to the top of our game, and to the top of our field.

Particular to our organization, is a system I developed called Smart Swarms Systems (3S). It exists now only as an abstraction, as due to its nature, we have to learn, develop and grow that system together.
3S will be a highly refined form of collective intelligence.  It is vital to value creation and network orchestration in ecosystems, and as practitioners and nodes (think neurons in the brain) in this system (this hive mind we could say), excelling at using it, and contributing to it, will form a core competency across the Glia Ecosystem, that others will find difficult to match.
The 3S is critical for creating bonds and information & knowledge value flows throughout the ecosystem, for making smart decisions at all points, for swiftly moving ideas to creation and production (in conjunction with the best known principles and practices of productive innovation), for organization and orchestration of value, for organizational balance of individual and group identity, for understanding the business and competitive environment.  
Most importantly, when coupled with data technology, the data flows will allow us to develop real time mapping of the Glia Ecosystem, that will be a vital tool for transparency and  visualizing value creation flows, and trouble spots within the ecosystem.

The other half to our core values and collective wisdom, is truly, deeply understanding the very nature of social business ecosystems, why they represent the future of business organization, and that of value creation and harvesting.
Our dedication to the skills, values, and systems is what will make Glia Ecosystems the standard by which all others are measured.

Nothing energizes me more in the morning than that of the thought of working with you, with us, and our open ended opportunity to create the future.
If I can instil that in you, and we in everyone that joins our organization, our purpose, our lives will define what it means to be wealthy in the 21st century.
If this is the challenge and opportunity you have been looking for, contact me now, and lets find out if you have what it takes to be part of this team. Yours truly,
Gregory D. Esau

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